Role of a aboodh transform and hyperbolic cosine function in secured communication

Regan Murugesan, Sathish Kumar Kumarave, Suresh Rasappan, Kala Raja Mohan


Secret Information sharing is all time requirement in this internet world, especially in electronic communications such as system security, smart card, mobile communications etc. Cryptography is based on transformation of multiple rounds of transformation of messages in the form of plain text as input into encrypted text message. Through suitable mathematical technique, secrecy of the information is maintained. This paper proposes Aboodh and its inverse transform technique with a suitable function for encryption and decryption of a message.


Cryptography; Data encryption; Decryption; Aboodh Transform; Inverse Transform

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Copyright (c) 2023 Regan Murugesan, Sathish Kumar Kumarave, Suresh Rasappan, Kala Raja Mohan

ISSN 2233 -1859

Digital Object Identifier DOI: 10.21533/scjournal

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