Tina Sadat Sadreddini, Nursena Ercan, Ece Su Boy


Human-machine collaboration in self-learning refers to having humans and automated technology work alongside each other to achieve a shared goal. [1] Having entered a new era for years, where experiencing a steady and strong improvement in computational power, storage, and availability of big data. Although artificial intelligence has become a pervasive organizational phenomenon, it is still unclear if and when people will be willing to cooperate with machines. [2] Human-machine collaboration in self-learning seeks to address limitations by combining the qualities of both humans and machines. Humans and machines are dependent on each other. While machines can analyze and stock extensive data rapidly, they still lack the same creativity and understanding as humans. On the other hand, humans have these qualities, but they cannot process the vast amount of data as quickly or accurately as machines. [3]

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Copyright (c) 2023 Tina Sadat Sadreddini

ISSN 2233 -1859

Digital Object Identifier DOI: 10.21533/scjournal

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